Deeper Into The Heart Of Joy Course

Are you ready to make joy more than something you live into, but something you also share with the world

Are you ready to help elevate others into their own joyful evolutions?

Well, even guides need guidance sometimes: and your role will be far deeper and more involved than simply checking boxes and being an accountability partner or sounding board. To guide transcendently through joy, you must first live it yourself. From there, you can learn to facilitate real human connection and truly engage with your clients from the wisdom of your heart and theirs. To do this, let alone to do it well, requires practicing a skill set that goes well beyond what is typically taught in traditional coaching certification courses. That said, this course will be sure to cover all those basics as well. So, if you’re ready to learn how to do this yourself, or if you’re already a coach or guide but not creating the shifts that you know you could make, then this is the course for you! Now is the time to reconnect with your own joy: the spark that brought you to be a guide in the first place!

The Big Joy Theory’s Deeper Into The Heart Of Joy Course is launching very soon. See below for further details! or . If you would like clarification of anything or to take next steps, click the “I’m ready to be a Joy Guide” button to schedule a meeting or you can reach out to us at We can’t wait to help you become the Joy Guide you are meant to be!

What You'll Learn

How You'll Learn It

The Joyful Intentions of the Course

Ready to take Joy to the next level?

If you’re ready to explore being a Joy Guide further, let’s talk! 
Click the button below to schedule a time to speak with us about enrollment and ask any questions you might have.

What our clients are saying