Elevate Then Expand
Elevate then expand to light the path of evolution. Elevation is a journey of ensuring that you know and are ready to lead from a
The best leaders, the ones that truly inspire you to be a better you, have one thing in common: they authentically operate from a place where their joy is embraced, expressed, and made productive. They embody joy in their energetic presence. It shows in their values, their work, their communication, connections, and their bottom line.
Your Authentic Leadership Presence is more powerful than their executive presence every time!
The Big Joy Theory has the best executive coaching that guides leaders and organizations to harness the power of joy to drive performance.
Don’t try to have a life where you hope to have joy IN what you do.
Create a life where, at all times, your joy IS what you do.
Schedule Dr. Jax Black, The Joy Elevator, for a heart-centered keynote joynote for your organization that illuminates the path to joy.
“Your talk was life-changing.
I will not forget it!”
–Joynote Participant
Selected posts from, DRJ.AX, that explores the fullest elevation of self-awareness of joy through art, poetry, and guidance. All images are created by Jax and are available on various products in the InnerLit store to offer additional empowerment in the elevation and expansion of the heart required in the journey into joy.
Elevate then expand to light the path of evolution. Elevation is a journey of ensuring that you know and are ready to lead from a
In joy, we know that all hearts desire to be whole. Wholeness requires authenticity. Authenticity comes from one’s heart smiling back at being them. This is how you know you are being wholly you. So, what then are we to do about experiences of guilt and shame?
I have been in the Entrepreneurial game for a long time now – I just surpassed 25 years (where does the time go?). In that
There’s a major shift in the corporate mindset these days to focus more on achieving harmony over balance. Me personally, I prefer synergy. Regardless of
In a world mired in the painful realities of 2020, what does it mean that so many companies are looking to the “Chief Happiness Officers”
In a previous post we discussed how joy is everywhere, tucked inside of every decision and action we make. Once we begin to recognize how
Joy is everywhere. Everything you do is informed by it and your pursuit of it. From the most mundane to the most critical decisions and
A recent podcast conversation between the founders of Okta, Slack, and Pigeonly, landed on the concept that entrepreneurs should focus on the “long-game”. It’s a
In the face of this global pandemic, one casualty many have had to endure is the death of ambition. A recent, frankly fantastic, Medium post
I get excited when change and transformation are afoot and that is because my inner Maximizer naturally starts tracking the light. It is not that
Some people hear the word “joy” in relation to the workplace and are immediately confused. In some cases, they can even be rather hostile. One
As we’ve gone out and spread the word on joy, one of the most common misunderstandings and questions we get is around how joy relates
Selected posts from, DRJ.AX, that explores the fullest elevation of self-awareness of joy through art, poetry, and guidance. All images are created by Jax and are available on various products in the InnerLit store to offer additional empowerment in the elevation and expansion of the heart required in the journey into joy.
Once you study and understand what brings you joy, you can use it to lead effectively, collaborate constructively, and live all aspects of your life as your true, authentic self.