“Shit Rolls Downhill” But what if there was no “Shit” and no “Hill”?

In “Being Accountable To You” we emphasized the need to take care of ourselves first so that we could take better care of others and how to find accountability to ourselves.  This can not only wo...

Being Accountable To You

All of us have put in our 10,000 hours towards mastering our strengths.  We all have overcome countless fears and doubts in our journey towards success.  We have discovered our expectations of ours...

“A Glimmer of Hope Can Illuminate a Lifetime of Possibilities”

Many people believe that their family and friends are truly exceptional. Even small moments of success when we are kids is a like a nugget of validation for our parents, that one day we will be grea...

What IS the Corporate Mindset?

At TandemSpring, our vision statement is to “overhaul the corporate mindset so that all people can be leaders, operating in their true strengths, with unbridled authenticity.”  Often, we get aske...

The Linear Illusion of Success

Today there are plenty of examples of success being redefined outside traditional models. However, so many people still judge their own success by the linear model of success. In life you are taught t...

Lifting The Smoke Screen Off Of Abusive Leaders

I continue to hear stories from people about the leaders in their lives who are emotionally and verbally abusing them and I can’t help but feel that the benefits of our “survival of the fittest”...