Entrepreneurship, Leadership & Spirituality

I have been in the Entrepreneurial game for a long time now – I just surpassed 25 years (where does the time go?). In that time, I experienced a lot for myself as well as watched countless others go...

Joy In A World of “Toxic Positivity”

In a world mired in the painful realities of 2020, what does it mean that so many companies are looking to the “Chief Happiness Officers” to help pull them out? A truly wonderful recent article in...

Joy Is Everywhere

Joy is everywhere. Everything you do is informed by it and your pursuit of it. From the most mundane to the most critical decisions and actions in your life, the driving force behind them is joy.Don...

The Entrepreneurial Long Game Through Joy

A recent podcast conversation between the founders of Okta, Slack, and Pigeonly, landed on the concept that entrepreneurs should focus on the “long-game”. It’s a solid listen if you’re in the ...

Your Ambition Is Joy

In the face of this global pandemic, one casualty many have had to endure is the death of ambition. A recent, frankly fantastic, Medium post that went a bit viral a few days ago, captured it rather we...

Is Joy An Input Or Output?

Some people hear the word “joy” in relation to the workplace and are immediately confused. In some cases, they can even be rather hostile.  One time, I even heard “Joy?! What kind of shit is th...

Joy vs Happiness

As we’ve gone out and spread the word on joy, one of the most common misunderstandings and questions we get is around how joy relates to happiness. So, let us clear this up.Now, I could quote you th...

The Clarity of Joy and the Joy of Clarity

I love me some ribs.Seriously, there is not a food on earth that beats an immaculately prepared Texas-style slab of baby backs for me.  For me, ribs equal joy, period.Now here’s the thing, you coul...

The Hard-Soft Leadership Skills Gap

Data. Analytics. Finance. Operational efficiency. Negotiations. Decision making. These are the hard mechanical functions that lead to business and economic success. Joy. Freedom. Breath. Self-express...

“Shit Rolls Downhill” But what if there was no “Shit” and no “Hill”?

In “Being Accountable To You” we emphasized the need to take care of ourselves first so that we could take better care of others and how to find accountability to ourselves.  This can not only wo...

What IS the Corporate Mindset?

At TandemSpring, our vision statement is to “overhaul the corporate mindset so that all people can be leaders, operating in their true strengths, with unbridled authenticity.”  Often, we get aske...